Friday, November 5, 2010


Today November 5th is the 5 year anniversary that Ross and I were Sealed in the Oklahoma City Temple! I really cant believe its been 5 years already, and yet it seems like forever ago!
We were married 8 years ago this last August, but when Braeden was about 8 months we were sealed in the Temple for Time and Eternity! For those of you who don't know what that means....Temples are a sacred place for us, where in we make sacred covenants (promises) to our Heavenly Father. And the difference between a Temple marriage and a civil one is that in a civil marriage the covenant that you usually make is till death do us part, or as long as we both shall live. But in a Temple marriage we are sealed together as a family. Meaning as long as we are faithful to God and each other, and keep the promises that we make to God, we are promised that we will be a Husband and Wife here in this life, and the next, and our children are also apart of that promise. Our wedding day 8 years ago was very special, and we were legally Husband and Wife, and Started our life together, and Celebrated that with our family and friends from all over! It really was a beautiful day!
But when I think of the meaning, of what took place in the Lords house on November 5th, 2005 was absolutely amazing! I'm so grateful that we are going to be a family forever! I'm so grateful for Ross, and his willingness to serve his family and the lord! I'm so grateful for all that he does for us, he is a great example to me, to our kids and his friends and family! Today I'm just feeling so grateful for the restored gospel, and the blessings of the Temple, I love to be in the Temple, there is no place on earth you can be closer to the lord!


Parkes Family said...

This makes me happy!

K Bailey said...

I remember going to your sealing...can't believe it was five years ago!

TheSweetMom said...

Congratulations, Angela and Ross! Josh was also about that age when we were sealed as well. What a special feeling it gives you to know you can be together forever! You have such a neat family, and you are all wonderful examples to me and my family :)