Monday, February 2, 2009

I heat faces photo contenst, eye week!

I enterd this photo in the contest, becuase I think that Reece's eyes look beautiful, and its eye week in the contest. This photo was not taken by me, but by caragirl, who is already enterd in the contest. Hope you dont mind Cara, but you did such a great job on this pic! :) to see her blog visit:


I Heart Faces said...

Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful photo with us!

We just wanted to leave a friendly reminder that you need to leave a permalink to your blog post in Mr. Linky each week (not a link to the home page of your blog.)

We were unable to correct your entry for you because it doesn't have a title. If you'd like to give this entry a title and then email us the new link, we will be sure to correct this for you. :)

Thanks again for joining in on the fun ~ we've really enjoyed your lovely photo.

~Angie & Amy
co-founders of I ♥ Faces

angie {the arthur clan} said...

I just noticed that you added the title ~ thank you so much! We were able to correct your link for you now. :)

co-founder of I ♥ Faces

Anonymous said...

That is a cute picture... she is beautiful! We missed you guys... did you come to vegas for concrete world???? We are hoping to make it out there soon, but I always say that and it never ends up happening... go figure right!??? grr... miss you guys!

Donnie and Jen Brown said...

she is the most beautiful red head i have ever seen, well other than you. love her!