Friday, March 27, 2009

Finished projects & Babysitting

I recently finished curtains for Reece's Room, and I have to say they turned out sooo cute! I had the fabric for a year and a half! Seriously why did I wait so long? I was afraid to start it, but I finally got my friend Lauren's help and 3 nights in a row, and walah! Now I feel more confident in starting future sewing projects! I'm trying really hard, I want to be able to sew, and not just baby blankets! lol

Here are a few baby blankets that I recently finished. That fuzzy soft bumpy fabric(whatever it is) is the DEVIL of fabric! I tried to sew it with the flannel, and after 3 times of having to rip it out and start over, a friend suggested to me to try sewing with it on the top to control it easier, since its stretchy! Genius! I finished both of them right after that! Thanks for the tip Cara! :) I love to look for cute fabric for baby blankets!

I watched my friend Nichole's little cutie pie the other day while she went to the Dentist. His name is Ross, and he is almost a year. He was so good, and the kids had so much fun with him! It made me feel better about baby #3! If only they could be born at the one year stage! lol Braeden was so cute with him, he has been really interested in baby's recently. Reece was pretty good as well, I have to say I was a little worried about her, but she did good for the most part, excluding a few toy jealously mishaps. :0 But Seriously, he and Reece really look more related than Reece and Braeden! They both have the same color hair, and bright blue eyes! I so want a red headed boy next! :)

Here he is finding toys in Braeden's toy box.

smiles for the camera, such a cutie!

Reece trying to get him to sit on her lap.

He is a year and a half younger than her, and he is way bigger! Look at those twins! haha too cute!

aww so sweet Reecie!

he was very curious about Roxy. He has a little doggy at home, so I think seeing the big dog was fun!

Braeden Ross and Ross playing!


Nessa said...

Curtians are awesome!!!! I cant even believe that is Ross...when I saw him last he was a teeny tiny baby!!!

TheSweetMom said...

Beautiful sewing projects! I love the colors and all the textures you chose! I think you are right about Reece and Ross looking related... what cuties!

Nichole said...

That is too funny!! Ross looks like he is going to crush Reece!! That is a hoot!! Thank you so so so much for watching him!! You are the best! I owe you!

K Bailey said...

Cute those colors!

Kim said...

Look at you being all crafty- cute stuff!

Stormi said...

The curtains look GREAT and I love the baby blankets.

boys in the hood said...

I'm so glad that worked for ya friend! I love Reece's curtains too!
Ross and Reece look like they could be related with that red cute!

The Foys said...

Wow you have been one busy Mama! Cute blankets and curtains!

Jennifer Brammer said...

I love the curtains! Those are awesome! I can't believe you waited so long to do them!
Love all the pictures of Ross and Reece! Too cute!

Donnie and Jen Brown said...

yay the curtains are soooo dang cute!! i am so excited for you to make me a blanket!!!