Friday, October 23, 2009

On a funny note...

One of my friends just recently asked if we were naming the baby Finn, becuase of the baby count down on the right hand side of our blog. Finn Finnestad.... um I think not! However I acutally do REALLY like that name, as you can see that would not be a nice thing to do to this poor baby boy, considering our last name. But I am calling him baby finn (as in finnestad) until he recieves his name( which will hopefully be sooner than later ROSS!) :) I will let you all know just as soon as I know! :)


TheSweetMom said...

That's hilarious! It does make me smile when I say Finn Finnestad, lol!

Nessa said...

Ya...that probably wouldn't be very nice to name him Finn...although like you's cute. Cant wait to hear his REAL name!!!

Browns said...

That is so funny!!! Jas Ross came up with anything?