Monday, May 24, 2010

Im back....I hope! :)

Winter long gone, springtime came and pretty much went, tomorrow is Braeden's last day of Pre-k, and the start of summer! Reece finished her first year in Dance, and just had her first Dance recital. And Owen is getting too big too fast, he is almost 5 months old!

I'm going to do my best to catch up on my blogging, 3 kids just really through me for a loop, and I felt like there were many other things I could do and needed to do with my spare time than blog. But I feel like I can maybe get back to it, well at least I hope I can! :) So here it goes, bare with me, Its not going to be any bit organized! lol


K Bailey said...

Yea-I hope so too! Reece did so good on Saturday! I had to laugh because before it started, Syd called me because she needed something and when I went back Reece was sliding back and forth across the hall on her tummy just having a ball!

Adriann said...

Welcome back, and even if you don't have time to really blog, post pictures of Owen!!!