Friday, January 6, 2012

Jessica And Ryan Fair Wedding!

Ok so finally here are the pictures from my baby Sisters wedding in November!  It was amazing to be in the Temple with my family, my Grandma and Cousins and Aunt for the first time!  It was amazingly spiritual!  I cant wait for the day that My Parents, and ALL of my siblings can go in together!!!  I am Praying for it to happen soon!!

We had such an awesome but quick trip to Arizona!  We stayed with My amazing Cousin Tiffany and her beautiful family!  They were so awesome to us, and I'm so grateful for them!  I love having such a close relationship with my cousins!  I love them all so much and wish I could live closer to them all!  Thanks Johnson Family for EVERYTHING!  Love you guys!

Here are Lots and Lots of pictures of the trip in absolutely NO order!  I don't have time for that people! lol  So there are pics of the the Bridal shower,Wedding, luncheon (before reception) & Reception all mixed in together!

The Beautiful Bride Jessica Darling, and her Handsome Beau Ryan!

I LOVE this picture!  I just wish the rest of my extended family could have been there!  My Mom is missing a Sister and Brother and their family's in this picture!  We missed you Peterson's and Taylor's!  And if your wondering who is hanging on my Hubs....well that is just my sis! lol

Total elation their off for the "first night!" hehe

This is The Bride and Groom with My cutie patuti Cousins whom are Brothers!  Kelly Ross (left) and Shane (right)

Um can you say PERFECT??

Outside the Mesa Arizona Temple

Creating my Masterpiece! lol It did turn out beautiful! :)

Bustin some moves!!!

At the Shower with My beautiful cousin Natalie!  She is the closest cousin to my age!

Love my Sistas!!

My beautiful Mom and her girls

hehe I LOVE this picture!

Fair and Roberts Clan

Just out of the Temple as Husband and Wifeeeee

Jess and her Bestie Macey

Love this one too!  Her photographer was awesome!

Cute boys!

My Beautiful Amazing Grandma and 3 of her Great Grand kids!  3 of my Cousin Tiffany's girls that we stayed with LEFT TO RIGHT Maddy, Olivia, Abby

The pops and Jess Dancing the "Daddy Daughter" Dance 2 stepping to a little Stevie Ray!

Chris and Nelly!

Groom Bustin some serious moves!

Cutie Cuz as well!

Poor Sophie!

Baby Boy Owie and I dancin the night away!

Bride and Groom outside the Temple with My Parents

The whole Roberts Clan

Hanging at the Luncheon with the Finnestad's and Olsen's!  Ross's Parents and Sister and Her Hubs all came to Arizona for the Wedding and to see Ross's Grandparents who reside in Mesa in the Winter!

Kiddos having a little cousin play time!

Jessies Hair!!

One of my Oldest and Dearest Friends Chelsea who works for my parents In Arizona at the Papa Murphys!  Love her!!

LOVE my new Sister in Law!!!  And She is having a BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jess's reception was so darling!

Jens girls posing pretty while Reece plays with fire????  Hmmmm not surprised!

And again....not surprised! haha

Love me some Bethanie!!!

1 comment:

Jennifer Brammer said...

I love their reception! So pretty! Glad you guys had a good time!