Monday, March 5, 2012

Much Catch up.....starting with Braeden turning 7!!!


So I'm a little obsessed with PINTEREST these days....and for the last few months have been considering giving Braeden a Lego birthday party for his 7th Birthday.  And obviously I couldn't resist!  There was just too many fun and cute things that I felt like I could actually do, and Braeden LOVES Lego's right now!  That is ALL he asked for for Christmas!! So After weeks of planning (mostly in my head) and then scrambling the week before the party to get everything, and then actually the day or two before the party finally starting to put everything together!  Needless to say, most of you who know me know that I'm least of all organized!  And maybe that's why I've never done a "themed" party for my kids really, because they soooo stress me out, and I'm not good at it!  But I just had to give this one a go!  And even though its far from perfect, I'm pretty proud of myself!  And I think the kids had a blast, most of all Braeden!

So Here is my Big boy Braeden!  CANNOT believe I have a 7 year old!  Its nuts!  He is such an awesome kid!  So smart, and sweet, and so helpful!

I got this Lego stencil t shirt Idea from Pinterest, but the lady had them made though Pinterest, and actually had one made for each of the party guests, at 18 dollars a no!  So I thought I could figure a way to make it just special for the birthday boy, and I think it turned out pretty cute!  I really wanted to do white, who knew a plain white t-shirt was that hard to find?  Anyway so grey worked just fine!  And for 3 dollars at Walmart, I could afford to mess up!  I got the Lego template from here and just made it bigger to fit his size shirt, then made a stencil from that!  Then got some red craft paint from Hobby Lobby,(probably not even the right kind for cloth) and painted it on very carefully with a sponge roller!  Think it turned out pretty cute!

We played a few different games, first with a cut out of the same Lego guy, and Played "find the Lego guy" (lol creative I know) I hid him in one room, made all the boys go to Braedens room, then they came out and looked for him, and whoever found him got to hide him next.  And If you had a turn to hide then you sat out, so everyone had a turn!  The boys actually really liked that one!

The they got to "guess how many Lego's".....and they all wrote their guess, with their name on a card, and at the end of the party, whomever was the closest won a prize!

I'm not a huge fan of gift bags....I just feel like their a waste, usually spend a ton of $ on just a bunch of junk that lasts about 5 minutes!  but I actually decided to get the kids a mini Lego figure pack, I think their like 2 bucks a piece, some actual yummy candy, and a cool mechanical pencil that you can keep adding new led to the bottom?  They also got to take home their personalized name place cards!

I found these square yellow plates at Target, drew ghetto faces on them!  They kinda look like Lego faces right? haha  And for the table runner, Bubble wrap and Green spray paint from Walmart!  Thought both of these ideas were soooo stinkin cute!  Both Ideas from this cute blog I found via Pinterest here!  Actually Most of my ideas were from her blog!  Snacks included!  Easy, and cheap and yummy!  There was just one or two kids that didn't want the cucumber cheese squares, and pirates booty (cheese puffs)!  But most of them thought they were yummy, and like eating them off a stick!

Here is Braedens AAAMMMAAAZZZIIINNNNGGG cake!  And NO I didn't NOT make it!  This Awesome Lady from our Ward did!  You can find here info here if your in the OKC area!  She is awesome Affordable, and best of all its sooooo yummy!  This cake was White with real, yes REAL blueberry filling!!!

Here is my attempt at his Birthday Banner/decor, turned out pretty cute!  Got the idea here!  Loved the idea of it hanging on ric rac!
then the boys were split into 3 teams, and got to build a mini figure, like a boat/plane/truck, together following instructions!

Time for snacks!  And most importantly CAKE!!!

Braeden got some great presents!  I think He really had a great Birthday Party!  And After all is said and done, totally worth all the work!!!


The Foys said...

So cute Angela! Seriously, SO STINKING CUTE. Love it all!

K Bailey said...

Very cute! Bergen had fun!