Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Ok I left out a very funny (but sad at the time) detail about Reece in this picture below! Well as you all know, it is a very painful....yes painful thing to get family pictures done especially when you have small mobil children. I was dreading this day, even though I wanted to get pictures with my whole family, especially since it was over 3 yrs. since we had all been together! My sister hired a girl she knew from her ward, who does photography on the side, we met her at a outside location close to my sisters house. The very first pictures we took were of my whole family all together, and I think it was like 5 or 6 of those and the kids were already getting ancy! So we decided to start some other shots and let the kids have a break, and then of course something has to go wrong! Poor little Reece triped down the concrete stairs and smacked her head on the concrete! We all freaked out, while of couse she is screaming! I pick her up trying to console her... and then I look at her head! Oh man she has a huge goose egg on her forehead! Seriously, as bad as I felt for her, which was bad by the way, I couldnt help but be mad that it was the very beginning of our photo shoot, and this had to happen! So if you noticed something on Reece's head now you know its her big red turning blue and purple goose egg! Luckly its not that noticable! But its always something right?

1 comment:

Mindee Graver said...

Hey!! Don't you hate it when that happens! Nicolas fell the day before we were getting pictures taken 2 years ago and had a nice goose egg too! The pictures still turned out pretty good. My blog is
