Monday, June 2, 2008

My Fam

My family came into town for about a week and a half, it was so much fun! First my Mom and Sister, and her two girls drove in from Pheonix and stayed for a few days. The kids had a blast! They got along so well! They played their little hearts out! Then my sis and the girls left, and my Mom stayed another 4-5 days and my Brother Chris came in from Provo! It was the first time hes ever been here, it was so much fun! It just makes me miss my family that much more! Its hard to not be close to them! Hopefull one day we will be... :)

1 comment:

Mindee Graver said...

I know how you feel about living so far from your family, I'm on the opposite side of the country from mine! We move into our new house in 3 weeks and my parents come in 4! I am so excited to see them! Your kids are so adorable :)