Saturday, October 11, 2008

We Run for Kiki!

Every year we do the Race for the Cure for fighting Breast Cancer, here in OKC, in support of our GREAT friend Kim Lopez! She used to live next door, and now lives in Dallas, we are very close to her and her family. She is a 3 year Survivor, and it is awesome to go to every year with everyone! This year there was 20 of us who in support of Kim, including her good friend who is also a survivor, and her family and other friends who were all very close too! Its always great to get together, especially for such a great cause! It was beautiful weather this year, and the kids were all in great spirits, all 9 of them! It really is a great thing to do, especially in the Company were in, we love them so much! All the kids call Kim (Kiki), so on the papers that we all wear, its says in Celebration of, and then we write Kim, and on all of the kids ones we of course put Kiki! After the Race they have a Ceremony were all of the Survivors are on the field and they give out awards and such, its usually very emotional, and just beautiful, and neat to see them all out on the field from the age of 25 to 87! Crazy! I hope we will continue to do the OKC Race for years to come! We love you Kim!!


Nessa said...

You are seriously so sweet...what an awesome thing to do. thanks for sharing!

Mindee Graver said...

That is so awsome. I love your page, you and your family are so beautiful. I'm glad I can keep up with you and them on here. Miss ya!

Lindsey said...

Very cool...what a great family tradition.