Monday, August 18, 2008

Im back I think...

Ok so its been a rough last few weeks! I finally feel like I'm getting back to normal, made it to the gym today, that's a start right? So we went to Minnesota camping on the lake for a week with Ross's family at the end of July, first of August. Ross and I got home on the 3rd (without the kids) and on the 4th I went in to get my wisdom teeth out! I scheduled it purposefully while Ross's parents had the kids for a week. They asked if they could take them for a week this summer, so we just left them there after our vacation, and they were going to be there all week, and we were going to meet Ross's parents in Kansas City the following weekend to pick them up!

Well that was the plan. So those of you who have yet to get out your wisdom teeth and are wondering if you should go to a Dentist or an Oral Surgeon? Please for the love of Pete, DO NOT GO TO A DENTIST! Unless of course you want to have the most painful experience of your life! I'm telling you, I have a pretty high pain tolerance, and I was in the most pain Ive EVER had! It was the worst thing ever! My Dentist got way to ambitious! He acted like it wasn't going to be no problem at all! I had 2 teeth that were above the gums so they we fine, no problem came out super easy! But apparently the other two were impacted, which I DIDNT know! I know, how could I not know? Well I was under the impression that impacted was like way into the bone, and he made it sound like they were just under the gums! And told me that an Oral Surgeon could possibly be thousands of $'s more! So I opted to got to him, even though I really wanted to be put completely out! So when you have them out at the dentist they do NOT put you out!!!! Big mistake! So anyway the 2 other teeth were impacted, and one took him like 10 min of pulling and tugging to get out and it finally came! Meanwhile I'm praying my brains out that Heavenly Father will help him in his efforts! And that was supposed to be the harder of the 2! 3 down one to go... easy right! NO! After 30 mins of pulling and tugging, and literally almost breaking my Jaw! He had to stop and take x-rays of the tooth, yes while I'm bleeding and had just had 3 wisdom teeth pulled! He sticks that card board stuff in my mouth which is awkward to begin with! Pushes it all the way back in my mouth and I'm about to throw up! It was TERRIBLE!!! He did that 4 times until he finally got the picture he wanted. I'm convinced that they were getting ready to send me to an Oral, because he was having such a hard time getting it out. Finally goes at it again, for I don't even know how long and had to cut it into pieces to pull out one by one! And by that time I swear my medicine was wearing off, because I felt the pain of him pulling out that last tooth, and was shaking and tears streaming down my face! It was such a terrible day! Continued by 2 weeks today of EXTREME PAIN and 4 trips into the dentist following because of my pain!!! I'm finally starting to feel better, but I'm pretty sure there is some permanent damage to my jaw! Well see, I'm thinking of getting a second opinion!!!

Sorry for those of you who are afraid of the Dentist! I had to tell my Horror story! Thankfully its over! And I plan on posting some pictures of our trip to Minnesota, soon and all about our fun filled trip filled with, sleepless nights, major storm, thought we were all going to die, and Reece the read headed Monster( my new name for her) ! :) FUN FUN


K Bailey said...

I think that procedure by the dentist should be FREE after all that he put you thru!!!

Mrs. Morty said...

Oh, my, gosh!!! I can't believe he would put you through all that! I'm with Katee, in fact he should give you some money! I hope you are feeling much better, I had no idea!

Donnie and Jen Brown said...

so sad ang! i cant believe they did that! i am glad your finally feeling better. now you need to put all of your trip pictures up!!!

Adriann said...

That sounds like Shane's awful wisdom tooth experience. I totally agree, go to a surgeon and get PUT OUT. Who wants local for a thing like that?? I was out for mine and I am still so so glad that I did it. I'm sorry your experience was so awful. At least 5 years from now you'll have a good funny story to tell. =)