Monday, August 11, 2008

6 Years!

OK so Ross and I just had our 6 year Anniversary! Crazy I cant believe it was 6, in fact it took me a minute to decide if it was our 5th or 6th! I thought surly if last year was our 5th year we would have done something fun right? No, actually I was in Seattle with my kids while Ross was here in OKC working of course! Well he did send me flowers!

So this year our Anniversary was the Sunday after I had out my wisdom teeth (which was on a Monday). And for those of you who read my previous blog, you know that a week later I was still feeling pretty terrible! Well our kids that week were in Minnesota with Ross's parents, and we were scheduled to pick them up in Kansas City and meet Ross's parents there Friday night. Well so I thought that Ross and I should celebrate before the kids get back. So that Thursday night after I had my teeth out we decided to go to dinner and a movie! Great Idea right? haha you'd think! Well so since I was still VERY swollen, and still very much in pain, I doped myself up on pain meds (which I was on anyway) and we were on our way. I thought we should go Italian since I could eat some kind of pasta or something that was soft! It was the first time since I had out my teeth that Id attempted to chew! I had soup which was VERY yummy and some ravioli, which was also so yummy! Compared to the food I had was slurping down the last 4 days, anything probably would have tasted great! Well then we were off to see the new Batman Movie. Which was very good, but a little long and I didn't realize that it was a 3 hour movie, so by the time we got home it was an hour later than when I was supposed to take my pain med. And let me tell you holy moley, that next 24 hours, no actually 48, I was in soooo much pain! I way over did it, but I guess we got to celebrate right? lol! Because I was hurting sooo much, I wasn't able to go with Ross to pick up the kids, which made me feel even more terrible!!

The funny thing was on our actually Anniversary, it was 6 in the evening before I realized it was our Anniversary. I just looked over at Ross and said, oh man its our Anniversary today! He kinda laughed and said " Happy Anniversary"! And that was that, how sad is that! Too funny! Hopefully next year will be better! Were lucky though, we get 2 to Celebrate, our actually wedding day, and our Temple Sealing day which is November 5th, and this year will be 3 years I think? So maybe we can do something then? haha


boys in the hood said...

I'm sorry you had such a hard with your wisdom teeth! That is a total bummer at least you didn't have to take care of your kids too huh?!
That is so funny you went to dinner and saw Batman for your anniversary...because Dale and I had our anniversary on Sat. and did the same thing!

Mrs. Morty said...

Congratulations! I really hope you are feeling better. Its a bummer when stuff like that messes up you anniversary.