Monday, September 29, 2008

Splish Splash I was takin a bath!

Ok so my kids were cracking me up in the tub the other night so I had to share some pics!

FYI: The computer that we use is Ross's laptop from work and they have asked all the Managers to send in their computers to get "worked on"! So I will be without a computer for awhile, who knows how long! Hopefully they will send it back if not I guess well have to buy one, and that probably wont happen soon, so just wanted to let you all know! Im really stressing about it actually! I havent been without a computer in years! I wont know what to do with myself! :( So as for blogging Im signing off for a while! Hope to see you again soon! Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket


Donnie and Jen Brown said...

oh my gosh are you seriously kidding me??? that sucks SOOOOOO bad!!!! dang you were doing so good too on blogging!

Donnie and Jen Brown said...

thanks, i seriously love them, and they are so comfortable. i paid 60 for them. oh , and ya i didnt know the taylors werre gonna be there until i got there, it was so fun to see them!